Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

Notes to my self: Well, here I am again. This last year went by so fast, it left me spinning. I am still finding myself signing "2010" on tests and notes. So, this is the time of year we make resolutions. (Keep in mind; I always get somewhat emotional and irrational this time of year because of the idea of one second I'm in 2011 and the next I'm in 2012!) So, last night, my sister and I were thinking about our resolutions. Should they be summerised in one word? Or should they be in list form? Are thirteen resolutions too many for me to keep? Are three enough? I was rather overwhelmed by these choices I created for myself. Then it hit me. What I really needed was a succinct list of things to work on for this upcoming year. So, I turned to, what else? The Bible. I eventually decided to worch on the Fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control) in 2012, to grow more Christlike, to not be afraid to be different and swim against the current, and to witness to others more this year . Also as my one word resolution, I decided that my word would be TRUST. That I would trust Jesus more this new year. So with prayer and perspiration, I feel sure that I will accomplish my resolutions this upcoming year (a feat I have as yet to accomplish!)

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